The Awakening by Kate Chopin Book Review

The Awakening by Kate Chopin Book Review

The prose of The Awakening is beautifully written and wonderful quotes abound: “She was becoming herself and daily casting aside that fictitious self which we assume like a garment with which to appear before the world.” We witness Edna Pontellier’s awakening...
Mansfield Park by Jane Austen – My Review

Mansfield Park by Jane Austen – My Review

To judge this book only in comparison to Pride and Prejudice or Sense and Sensibility is unjust to Jane Austen. In Mansfield Park, Austen creates an extremely timid, shy, but highly moral character, then places her in a situation in which she must make a choice:...
My Review of Jane Eyre

My Review of Jane Eyre

Jane Eyre is a wonderfully spirited and principled girl and woman. She never takes the easy or tempting path while disregarding the context of a situation. And when she’s offered a choice, at the end of the book, between her personal happiness and devoting...